Wednesday, January 30, 2013

KeukaraDong.... Where Beauty Lies

 Part 02
How to Go There:

 To go there you have to reach at Bandarban first How to reach Bandarban : There are direct bus services from Dhaka. Soudia, S. Alam , Unique ,Dolphin are the non ac bus service which leave Dhaka for Bandarban at late night. Any one can even move from Chittagong. There are some services from Baddarhat Bus station. First bus leaves Chittagong at 0600 hours. The best services named ‘Purbani’ and “Purobi”
After reaching Bandarban : Bus from Dhaka will reach Bandarban in early morning hours. From there you have to go Ruma. Most used transport is named Chander Gari. It is actually 4 wheel drive vehicle as land Cruiser. You can ride on the local one by buying tickets. Otherwise you can reserve it or any other vehicle. A rickshaw or a little hike will take you to the Chander Gari stand. The first trip is at 0900hours. Otherwise you can hire vehicle around where the bus droop you.

This will take you near to Ruma bazaar. It will take around two to three hours depending on the road and other factors. Then you have to ride on a boat. Some time especially in winter you may can have a hike up to Ruma Bazaar. In that time you may have to register your name at Ruma Garrison. If you leave Bandarban at 0900 hours, I wish you can reach at Ruma Bazaar by 1300 hours or around.

The trekking: Your next destination will be Bogalake, A tribal village at estimated 1167 feet. If you want to start your trekking that day then you have to ask for the permission in Ruma bazaar Army Camp within 1400 hours. In the time you have to get a guide, have your lunch and buy anything if you need.
After staying at Bogalake for the night, next morning you may start the trek to summit Keokradong and back to Boga by noon time. It would be a 2-3 hours comfortable trail with light steps. On the way back you can visit Chingri Jhiri.
note : we advise all to trek through Jhiri Path to have the best view of the places. and this article is written specifically for the route.
Where to stay:
at Bandarban town there are some Hotel. But for have better accommodation you have to go little outside of the town. Millon Chori or Megla can be a better choice. At Ruma Bazaar, there is also some Hotels but not good enough. After starting the trek , except Bogalake you have to stay at Tribal’s home. At Bogalake you will get some lodging facility, they called guest house. Regular Hotel of Bandarban will cost of around 150 to 200 taka per night for single room, 250 to 300 taka for double room. Other expensive option also available.
note: in tourist season (like after EID or big holidays period Bogalake or Bandarban might be a crowded place)
What to eat (food):
Up to Bandarban you will find local restaurant (here it is called “hotel”) who serves decent rise and curries. After you leave Bandarban for the trail, you have to depend on whatever food you have or you may ask the tribal village to prepare some local food for you.
note: take some dry food with you.
Tips/advise for traveler:
note : we advise all to trek through Jhiri Path to have the best view of the places. and this article is written specifically for the route. But if you are new at trekking then make sure you leave the Jhiri Path before sunset.
• Visit in rainy season if you like adventure, winter is most easy season for trek.
• You may take medicine for malaria as this rezone is treated as malaria affected zone.
• Wear comfortable foot wear. It is very important issue for trekking.  Make sure it can give you a better grip. You can wear local plastic sandal if you don’t have any thing. But must wear it with socks, better with couple of socks. Otherwise if you are not sure what you should wear then buy a jungle boot, which you can buy from supply stores of army or police accessories. You can get this stores at Kachukhet bazaar or Palwel super market
• Take a tribal guide rather than a Bengali guide. They are more efficient
• Pack all of your good in extra water proof bag or bags.
• Fix how much the guide will cost you. The standard rate is 300 taka per day.
• Don’t take too much load, use back pack instead of other sorts of bag. Couple of pairs of dress will be enough. You don’t need any tent because you will get accommodation easily.
• It is a really easy trek so do not be afraid
• Don’t rush, that may occur any accident or trouble.
• Keep head cool in danger. That is the best act. Try to enjoy even in tough situation.
• Be a team.
• The accommodation will cost you around 50 to 60 taka per person per night.
• Take rope if you are there in rainy season.
• Trekking with friends is better than trekking with unknown person.
• Your physical stress can create mental stress. So any one can behave roughly, take it easy.
• There might be some lice, don’t be afraid they are not life threatening.
• Support your weaker partner, don’t leave him. That support may make the trip enjoyable.
• Respect tribal culture.
• Please keep the hills clean – Do not litter.
What to take:
• Sleeping Bag (You may get bedding there, but it’s better to have your own, specially at winter)
• Extra one pack of dress to sleep at night.
• Electric Torch with extra battery.
• Camera.
• Dry food, light but enough to eat in the way.
• Water container, to drink water on the way.
• Can take water purifier, though most of the time water is clean.
• Extra socks, as much as possible
Expected Cost:
Bus fair (Dhaka to Bandarban)-350 Taka (non AC)
Chander Gari fair (Bandarban to Kaikhang Chora or Ruma)around 2500Taka Reserve or 90 Taka per person in regular service transport
Boat fair (Kaikhang Chora to Ruma Bazaar)around 20 taka per person from Kaikhang Chori to Ruma Bazar.
Food- around 80+ Taka in tribal village every meal per person .
We prefer to ask you some dry foods (cost depend on you)
Accommodation- around 150 taka at Ruma Bazaar
70+ taka at tribal villages,
200 taka at Bandarban Town.
Accessories- as rope, torch cell (depend on you).
Guide- standard cost will be 300 taka per day, but it may cost bit more.
(cost depend on various factor. the given figure is just to have an idea )
Attraction : Tribal life of Bangladesh, Shailo Propat, Patang Jhiri , Chingri Jhiri, Beauty Of Hill Tracks of Bangladesh , Trekking, Jhiri path, Bogalake, Keokradong

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