Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Nijhum Deep

Nijhum Deep is an offshore island in the Bay of Bengal situated in the extreme south of Hatia island which is separated by Hatia channel.

You can arrange a tour with your Friends. Here I am giving tour details to help you-

Tour Itinerary

Day 01:
The Tour our will start from Shadarghat boat terminal at 5 pm. evening tea & snaks will be served on board . Dinner will be served at 9:00 pm on boat. Over night on boat.

Day 02:
After overnight cruise, arrival in Hatia at 8:30 am. After break fast start for Nijhum Dweep (Silent Island). Around 12:30 pm. upon arrival at Nijhum Dweep we shall “check-in Nijhum Resort”. Lunch at 1:30 pm. after lunch we shall go to watch the wildlife of the Island, which are the main attraction of the island, evening tea & snacks 6:30 pm. Dinner at 9:00 pm.

Day 03:
After early breakfast (7:00 am) the guide will offer you a silent boat trip by a country boat through narrowed creeks to observed the wildlife including deer. We can also arrange a trip for honey collection. Lunch at 1:30 pm. Evening free for different beach activities & to enjoy amazing beauty of the sunset. Evening tea & snacks (6:30 pm.). Dinner at 9:00 pm.

Day 04:
After breakfast (8:00) am start for Hatia, on arrival you will board the launch for Dhaka. Lunch, evening snacks & dinner will serve in the launch.

Day 05:
5.30 am arrived at Shadarghat launch terminal and tour end.
*Meal: Break FastLaunch: Rice, Ruhi Fish, Vegetable, Dal & SaladDinner: Rice, Chicken / Fish, Vegetable, Dal & Salad.
Hotel: Nijhum Resort (Non AC).

Tour Cost: Tk.3500 per person.
Price Included:
01. Transport.
02. Hotel (Twin sharing basis).
03. All Meals.
04. Sightseeing.
05. Experienced English speaking tour guide.

1 comment:

  1. It was a awesome experience to go through such adventures...
